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My work at Bendiro

Emil Bengtsson – Setter and Toolmaker
Much revolves around machine capacity, but behind all our investments and success stories lies deep knowledge among our employees. Without the individual expertise possessed by each one, we definitely couldn’t be the solution-oriented partner that our customers appreciate. As a setter and now also a toolmaker, we have Emil Bengtsson, the colleague who believes the best workday is one where a problem or an “impossible” challenge arises. “We’ll solve it!” is his constant response when we need his help.

Steel is a creative material

“I come from a completely different industry, but I’ve always enjoyed working with metal processing. That’s why I have my own forge where I create various things in my free time. I like shaping and directing the material where I want it to go. Some might think that steel is a ‘lifeless’ material, but it is very much a creative material and requires knowing how it reacts in different situations.”

Detail work that affects the overall picture

“At Bendiro, I have the opportunity to be part of the overall picture while also diving into details to solve a problem that arises or find a solution to a request from our customers or our own designers. Besides knowledge, this type of problem-solving requires the ability to think abstractly, to imagine what happens if we do this or that. Being able to combine all of this in my work is truly enjoyable and developmental in every way.”

A unique profile

There are many factors to consider when a roll forming line needs to be set up for a new production series of a new profile. Much can be measured and proven, but it also involves having a feeling for what you do. And Emil definitely has that feeling. Besides his ability to solve problems and make the most out of everything, he is also an extremely cheerful and positive colleague who brings us many laughs, especially when he speaks his ‘original language’, i.e., Morpekanska (the dialect spoken in Morup parish in Halland, including the fishing village of Glommen). A unique profile, to say the least!

“I enjoy working at Bendiro!”

“I really enjoy working at Bendiro. We have a great team, and the working environment is very creative for those who see opportunities. It’s clear that Bendiro is on the move, and it’s very exciting to be a part of this journey.”

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